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A Cost-saving Golden Path to Unique Beauty Device Designs: We've Paved the Way for You!

Tue Nov 14 11:38:02 CST 2023

With the continuous development of beauty technology, products undergo updates and iterations. As a professional beauty device original design manufacturer supplier, we are committed to providing a complete process and excellent services. In the process of developing new products, risk evaluation is a critical step to ensure product quality and reliability. Today, we will primarily explain the fourth step in our ODM process - Risk evaluation. Through the comprehensive application of Design Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (DFMEA) and Process Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (PFMEA), we can thoroughly assess potential risks before and during product development, thereby achieving reliable design and production.

Why Conduct Risk Evaluation in the Beauty Device ODM Process?

Product Quality Improvement:

Through risk evaluation, we identified potential issues in the product design phase, such as material selection and possible failure modes of components. Corresponding improvement measures were taken to ensure a more stable product design and a more reliable production process, ultimately enhancing the overall product quality.

Product Safety Assurance:

Considering that beauty devices come into direct contact with the user's skin, we identified potential safety hazards, such as overheating and allergic reactions, through risk evaluation. Adjustments were made to the product design to ensure user safety under normal usage conditions.

Reduced Product Recall Risk:

By conducting risk evaluations during the design and production phases, we significantly reduced the likelihood of product issues in the market. This helps avoid situations where customers might face recalls, thereby protecting brand reputation.

Cost Control:

Early risk evaluation allowed us to identify factors that could potentially increase manufacturing costs. Timely adjustments helped us avoid late-stage waste disposal and rework, improving production efficiency and reducing overall costs.

How Do We Conduct Risk Evaluation as an Experienced Beauty Device Supplier?

DFMEA (Design Failure Mode and Effect Analysis):

DFMEA focuses on design-stage issues. We conduct DFMEA risk evaluation during the design phase to identify potential problems. Recognizing possible failure modes, understanding their impacts, and evaluating the severity of failures assist our team in correcting potential design issues before the product enters the production phase. Additionally, by identifying potential issues during the design phase, DFMEA helps reduce the risk of product issues in the market, minimizing the likelihood of recalls.

PFMEA (Process Failure Mode and Effect Analysis):

PFMEA focuses on potential failure modes during the production process. By identifying these modes, understanding their impacts, and evaluating the severity, frequency, and detection capability of failures, PFMEA helps the team identify and correct potential issues during the production phase. Identifying potential issues during the production phase and taking corrective measures contribute to cost reduction and improve production stability.

Through risk evaluation, we ensure that we can provide customers with a successful beauty device and a comprehensive beauty device solution. This demonstrates the critical importance of risk evaluation for the successful launch of products and meeting customer needs. In the next article, we will introduce the next step in the ODM process - Prototype Confirmation.