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Experience the Benefits of FITTOP Massage Gun

Tue Jul 11 15:33:13 CST 2023

When we sit in the office busy working for a long time, we often feel tired or uncomfortable with some body parts. When we sit for a long time, the lumbar and cervical spine are under constant stress. It will also keep the muscles of the waist and neck in a state of tension and cannot be relaxed for a long time, resulting in a decrease in muscle elasticity. That's the reason why we feel uncomfortable in our bodies. How to alleviate this phenomenon? We need to relax. It's too harmful to be sedentary. Thus more and more people are seeking masseurs for massage. Unfortunately, most of us don't have a budget, or time or feel troublesome for regular sessions with a masseur. For different people of different ages, the FITTOP massage gun can help them relax at any time.


Reduce Muscle Soreness with the FITTOP Massage Gun

After exercise, we often feel muscle soreness. This is because when we do intense exercise, our muscles are in a state of short-term hypoxia. During this time, our muscle sugar will convert into lactic acid, which will stimulate the nerve endings in the muscles to produce soreness. Using a FITTOP massage gun can help release lactic acid to reduce soreness.


Release Tight Muscles with FITTOP Massage Gun

Another problem is when we exercise or work, our muscles will be in a tense state. FITTOP massage gun can release our tight muscles through high percussion. At the same time, it can also relax our brain and body to provide us a better sleep.


Release Muscle Knots with the FITTOP Massage Gun

Most people can feel that there is a knot in your muscles. When you work out, it will be a feeling of tightness and soreness. What are knots and how should you treat them? Do massage guns release muscle knots? Muscle knots also called myofascial trigger points, form in your muscles when your muscle fibers and fascia tense. If you are looking for a way to get rid of knots, a FITTOP massage gun is your best option. Massage gun has been proven to be a great way to release muscle knots.

 FITTOP Massage Gun

Boost Muscle Recovery with FITTOP Massage Gun

There is professional research has shown that massage guns can be effective for muscle recovery. When you utilize the massage gun in the workout, it helps release muscle soreness, therefore promoting muscle recovery. Start using a FITTOP massage gun for safe exercise and healthy life!

What Types of Massage Gun Can You Choose in FITTOP?

FITTOP Massage Gun Super-hit Pro

When the technology trend meets massage, what it will be? That must be the FITTOP massage gun super-hit pro. Do you want an intelligent massage gun for your muscle recovery? A type of massage gun with intelligent voice broadcast and a visible screen is so cool! It‘s not a traditional massage gun. FITTOP designed the massage gun super-hit pro with a smart chip that can recognize the muscles and bones. When it recognizes the bones, it will reduce the hitting speed.

FITTOP Super-hit Massage Gun Mini

When you want to use a massage gun in your journey, but it’s too weight. How do you deal with it? Starting from portability, we designed the FITTOP super-hit massage gun mini. One of the benefits of this massage gun compared with a super-hit pro is that it is more lightweight. You can easily put it into your bags and it does not take up much space. For those who want to massage in time, the mini massage gun is a portable solution for this problem.

FITTOP Pocket Massage Gun Super-Mini

Have you heard of a cell phone-sized fascia gun? FITTOP pocket massage gun just as one phone weight. For those who like light percussion massage, the mini massage gun has just the right amount of force. 6mm percussion amplitude to relieve soreness and fatigue.