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Transforming Visions into Reality: Ever Wondered How Our ODM Beauty Devices Are Crafted?

Mon Nov 20 11:30:08 CST 2023

In the previous article introducing the ODM process for beauty devices, we discussed the fifth step of the beauty device ODM process - product design. Today, we continue to explore how FITTOP, as a one-stop beauty device supplier, provides a complete, simple, and secure ODM production process for clients in the beauty device ODM process. Once clients confirm our product design, we initiate the prototype design. Below is a basic prototype design process; let's continue reading.

After the client confirms the product ID, we proceed with electronic and structural design, estimating prototype costs, product costs, and mold costs.

What is The Process of Prototype Design in the Beauty Device ODM Process?

1. Cost Estimation

Prototype Cost Estimation:

List all electronic components and structural materials and obtain relevant supplier quotes.

Consider labor and equipment costs that may arise during the manufacturing process.

Calculate assembly, testing, and packaging costs.

Product Cost Estimation:

Consider production scale, and establish production plans and processes.

Estimate materials, labor, equipment, and other production costs.

Consider potential quality control costs.

Mold Cost Estimation:

If necessary, establish mold design specifications.

Consult mold manufacturers for quotes, considering mold manufacturing and maintenance costs.

2. Customer Confirmation of Prototype Costs:

Provide a detailed prototype cost report, including cost breakdowns for various aspects.

Conduct a meeting with the client, explaining the basis and methods of cost estimation.

Make necessary adjustments and modifications based on client feedback.

3. Prototype Production:

Electronic Assembly:

Procure necessary electronic components.

Conduct circuit board assembly and soldering.

Install embedded software.

Structural Assembly:

Manufacture structural components, including the casing and other mechanical parts.

Conduct structural assembly, ensuring proper coordination of all components.

Software-Hardware Integration:

Test the integrated performance of electronic and structural components.

Ensure seamless collaboration between software and hardware, addressing potential compatibility issues.

4. Submitting Prototype for Customer Confirmation:

Develop a submission plan, including delivery time and method.

Provide a detailed prototype manual to assist clients in understanding product features and operations.

Conduct a final check of functionality and appearance before submission.

After customer confirmation of prototype costs, we initiate prototype production, aiming to submit the prototype for client confirmation within an estimated 3 weeks. Upon completion of the prototype, all functions and parameters undergo rigorous scrutiny. We perform functionality tests, reliability tests, etc., and address any defects or issues identified.

Upon receiving the prototype, clients explore and test various parameters based on product definitions and requirements. They confirm whether adjustments to the prototype are necessary. We then proceed to the next step in the process - mold design and production, which will be detailed in the next article.